Drowning In Memories

Abandoning everything,I spend my days in contemplation.The leaves that had fallenhave grown back again.Back and forth,the seasons have changed. They watch me awestruck.Every human and every being,Even the trees and the ever flowing streams.Not knowing how to bring me back. I might already have lost my life,loving you with such utter devotion.It seems like ages,since... Continue Reading →

Dreams of a Lost Lover .

In that faraway land of dreams, where we spent lifetimes together, I saw you again last night. After God knows how long a separation, only this time to be your bride. I knew it wasn't in this century for I could hear no horns and feel no comforts of luxury. Only the laughter of our... Continue Reading →

Where She Belongs .

Her eyes sparkled like stars, with hopes and dreams of another life. She didn't belong to the world she lived in. No, she didn't. Every night, she let herself sway away with the cool breezes, under the moonlit sky. Surrounded by the hustle bustle of the new age life. She knew, she didn't belong to... Continue Reading →

Through Unspoken Words .

They had met only in dreams. Dreams of a distant time, when machines hadn't yet taken over life . And much was said, through unspoken words. Their eyes did the talking, as they stood in a crowd. The temple bells ringing, declaring their rise in love. And much was said, through unspoken words. The letters... Continue Reading →

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